Sports d'hiver aux Eaux-Bonnes

Eugénie de Montijo, born in 1826 in Grenada (Spain), was Empress of the French because of her marriage with Napoléon III from 1853 to 1870. She used to stay regularly at the Eaux-Bonnes.
On July 1852, this little town Eaux-Bonnes welcomed Eugénie de Montijo. The inhabitants were stroken by her charm and even the women in the village agreed about her smile with no comparison « soft and proud in the same time. » She was particularly generous toward poor people.
For example, a creepled old man who could not come to see her at her hotel like the others was invited by her in person on the day she left the village.

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Extract from : Loliée, Frédéric (1856-1915). - La vie d'une impératrice, Eugénie de Montijo, d'après des mémoires de cour inédits... [Life of an Empress Eugénie de Montijo] / Frédéric Loliée. - Paris : F. Juven, 1907.
Online on Gallica.

Galerie Eaux-Bonnes

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From the boulevard ...

Horizons has been realized thanks to the participation of the Factory of the Digital Bank of Knowledges in Aquitaine.

The project is supported by Pau-Pyrenees Conurbation Community.
