
Henri Russell, one of the most known specialists of the Pyrenees nicknamed « the fool of the Vignemale » climbed the top 33 times. In his book  « Souvenirs d'un montagnard » (Souvenirs of a mountainman) he tells his experience of climbing the Vignemale (3290 meters) on sunny days of February 1869. When he eventually gets there on the 10th he does not find any snow but only frosted falls and an incredible sky and sense of deep silence : « Only sun, silence, snow and blue » says he.

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Hear the original version

Extract from : Souvenirs d'un montagnard / par le compte Henry Russell. - Pau : Vignancour, 1878. - Médiathèque André Labarrère Pau - fonds anciens - Usine des Tramways - cote 101319R.
Online on Gallica

Galerie Vignemale

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From the boulevard ...

Horizons has been realized thanks to the participation of the Factory of the Digital Bank of Knowledges in Aquitaine.

The project is supported by Pau-Pyrenees Conurbation Community.
