Eaux-Chaudes : Arrivée d'une diligence

Louise Colet, a french poet,  mostly known for her affair with Gustave Flaubert, wrote mostly novels and travel books.  In  « Les derniers marquis »  she tells the season she spent in the Pyrenees at les Eaux-Chaudes and les Eaux-Bonnes and she describes in a very comic way the plots that happened between the people there.

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Extract from : Colet, Louise. (1810-1876) - Les derniers marquis : deux mois aux Pyrénées / Par Mme Louise Colet. - E. Dentu (Paris), 1866. Médiathèque André Labarrère – fonds anciens – Usine des Tramways - cote 115465 R.
Online on Pireneas

Galerie Eaux-Chaudes

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  • Espagnol
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  • Occitan

From the boulevard ...

Horizons has been realized thanks to the participation of the Factory of the Digital Bank of Knowledges in Aquitaine.

The project is supported by Pau-Pyrenees Conurbation Community.
