"Welcome in Luchon !" If you believe in the experience told by the writer Paul Perret in « Les Pyrénées et leurs légende » (the Pyrenees and their legend) the arrival at Luchon station would happen like this : «We get there In the station, the crowd, piles of crates that crash on your feet ; Englishwomen run arround, scared children screaming, Postmen that come and go, shoving all, employees, deaf when you call them but not mute, in infernal uproar ; Sir ! Come arround here at the Hôtel de l'Angleterre ! - Sir, this way on the hôtel de France. - They carry you to their omnibus, carriages et omnibus move off. We pass on a bridge on the One river, [...] ; we cross old Luchon and here we are in these famous Allées d'Etigny, known in the whole Europe."
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Extract from : Les Pyrénées et leur légende, par Paul Perret / Paris : Société française d'imprimerie et de librairie / Médiathèque André Labarrère – fonds anciens – Usine des Tramways - cote 45692R.
Online on Gallica (edition 1897)