
« The Spanish had to supply the garnison two days of food and the means to transport papers end luggage to France. When they arrived at Canfranc, they were forced to spend the night there, the summit being impractible by the snow that had fallen the previous days. The mules used for the transport of the luggage had been unchanged at their arrival in this village and then sent back. The day after, they were refused to get other ones. The guerilleros and the inhabitants seemed to get ready to attack the unarmed French and share their corpses. To save the accountancy of the 14th squadron Captain Foison had it shared beteween all his troopers , it was reconstituted later and is now to be found at the Ministry of War administration archives.
After the surrender of Jaca, there was not any French left in Aragon ».

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Hear the original version

Extract from : Martin, Emmanuel (1852-1927). - La gendarmerie française en Espagne et en Portugal (campagnes de 1807 à 1814) : avec un exposé des opérations militaires exécutées dans les provinces du nord de l'Espagne par nos armées, les troupes régulières ennemies et les guérillas espagnoles, d'après les archives du ministère de la guerre, les archives nationales et autres documents manuscrits ou imprimés. - Léautey (Paris), 1898. [The French « gendarmerie » in Spain and Portugal (1807-1814 campaign) : military operation in the North of spain by our armies, the ennemy troops and the spanish guerillas]
Online on Gallica

The French « gendarmerie » in Spain and Portugal (1807-1814 campaign) : military operation in the North of spain by our armies, the ennemy troops and the spanish guerillas.

Galerie Canfranc

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